Working Out After Botox: Should You Go for It?

A lot of patients struggle with fine lines and wrinkles. These signs of aging can affect your overall appearance. These signs appear because of decreased collagen production. Today, these wrinkles can easily be taken care of with the help of Botox in Cyprus treatments. It is highly safe and effective too. So, all you need to do is choose a plastic surgeon who offers fast treatment options. But can you work out after getting Botox treatment? Let’s find out more about it.

How much time should you wait after Botox to work out?

After you get Botox treatment, you should not exercise for at least one day. When you work out, your blood circulation will increase. This way, the injected Botox may migrate to other areas that you do not want. This can cause some side effects as well. You should avoid the treadmill, hot yoga, hot tubs, and all such activities as well. After 24 hours have passed, you can work out any way you want.

Do facial exercises have any effect on it?

A lot of times, patients try facial exercises after getting Botox Limassol treatments. However, it is still not proven whether it has any effects on Botox or not. It is not essential to go for facial exercises. Just keep your natural expressions even after the treatment such as smiling, frowning, etc.

Why should you avoid exercising after the Botox treatment?

When you exercise, your blood flow increases, and this can result in swelling. Botox can also migrate to surrounding areas. You also need to keep your head upright for a few hours after the treatment. So, when you exercise, you may bend to pick things up. You should also not sleep for the first four hours. You should not put any kind of pressure on the areas for at least 3 days after the treatment. So, do not wear tight headgear,and be gentle with your face.

Can working out reduce the longevity of your Botox?

Botox can last for around two to six months as it is a temporary treatment. However, there are no proper reports on whether it will reduce the longevity of your Botox or not.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is one of the most reliable plastic surgeons who can provide you with a wide variety of treatments such as Fillers in Cyprus. All the treatments offered at his clinic are available at cost-effective prices. So, check out the treatments now.

To get Botox treatment, visit

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How An 8-Point Facelift from Dr. Stavros Economou Can Help

Have you noticed that your skin has started wrinkling or the volume is decreasing? All such problems can be solved with the help of dermal fillers. After the procedure, there will be fewer visible wrinkles and your skin quality will also improve to a huge extent. A facelift can provide outstanding results when done by a reputable plastic surgeon. One plastic surgeon that you can trust is Dr. Stavros Economou. He has several years of experience in this industry and can be the perfect option for you if you wish to go for a non invasive face lift. Let’s learn more about how the facelift will help.

Facial expression

If you have noticed that your facial expressions are getting affected due to signs of aging or any other such reason, you can get in touch with Dr. Stavros Economou. With an 8-point facelift, there will be an improvement in your facial expression. You will notice that your expressions will look much better than before, after this procedure.

Lesser wrinkles

If you have fine or medium wrinkles on your face, they may be affecting you mentally. But this will not be an issue anymore since Dr. Stavros Economou can provide you with an exceptional 8-point facelift procedure. After this non surgical face lift procedure, the fine and medium wrinkles on your face will reduce to a huge extent.

Bright smile

Has your smile also been dulled because of wrinkles or other such signs on your face? Dr. Stavros Economou will ensure that your smile also gets brighter after the 8-point facelift procedure. So, you can smile with confidence once again without worrying about wrinkles.

Fresh look

If you have noticed that your face always looks dull and tired, an 8-point facelift by Dr. Stavros Economou can do wonders for you. After this procedure, you will always look fresh, and your face will also seem more relaxed than before. You will just need to apply a little makeup and you will be good to go.

Minimal downtime

You would surely not want to waste a lot of time after the facelift is completed. With the 8-point facelift by Dr. Stavros Economou, downtime will not be an issue. You will have minimal downtime as this is a non-invasive treatment.

If you wish to go for any kind of plastic surgery that can provide you with complete satisfaction, get in touch with Dr. Stavros Economou today.

To go for a facelift, visit

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Maximizing Results of Breast Augmentation And Liposuction With Dr. Stavros Economou

Do you want to get in the best shape of all time? For a truly transformational experience, you can consider multiple surgeries that target the central part of your body. Dr. Stavros Economou is an expert who can help you mix surgeries like breast augmentation and tummy tuck treatments. He recommends these two surgeries to get the best results in women. Let’s explore how this powerful pair can help you get better results and feel more confident.

Understanding How Breast Augmentation Works

Increasing the size and shape of the breasts is often done by a plastic surgery called breast augmentation. This surgery can add volume to your breasts. It can help you achieve better symmetry or increase their projection. Dr. Stavros Economou uses cutting-edge methods and personalized treatment methods to create results that look natural.

Understanding How Liposuction Works

Liposuction is a treatment used to get rid of stubborn fat pockets in the arms, buttocks, legs, and belly. This procedure is highly recommended by Dr. Stavros Economou who uses modern liposuction surgery methods. Liposuction can help you look more structured and more toned, whether you have love handles or other random fat deposits.

Implementing Multiple Methods to Get Complete Results

Dr. Stavros Economou can help his clients address multiple cosmetic issues in multiple sessions by mixing breast enlargement with liposuction. Enhancing both the upper and lower body is possible with this all-around method that creates a harmonious and balanced shape. Combining breast enlargement and liposuction can help you get the results you want, with a complete transformation of your body shape.

Personalized treatment plans

There are different goals, desires, and physical concerns for each client, which Dr. Stavros Economou knows. That’s why he will always sit with you and talk about your goals with breast enlargement and liposuction surgery. He is making treatment plans that fit the needs of each patient naturally. For Dr. Economou, natural-looking results are the biggest priority. He will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that targets your physical goals and guarantees the best outcomes.

Advantages of Mixed Surgeries

Dr. Stavros Economou’s combination of breast augmentation and liposuction surgery has many advantages. In addition to allowing for full body contouring and improvement, this method also makes it easy to address multiple issues within days. Many clients have achieved faster results with less downtime by mixing surgeries like breast augmentation with liposuction.

To know more about the procedure, visit

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Visible Results After Getting Botox at Dr. Stavros Economou’s Clinic

Your skin becomes loose and lean with age. The facial muscles also start to lose their density and consistency. As a result, wrinkles and similar signs start to appear. Years ago, these seemed like a big issue. To avoid wrinkles and fine lines, women and men used topical cures and practiced several exercises from an early age. But not now. These days, they can get Botox and other dermal fillers in Cyprus for better results.

Dr. Stavros Economou has helped many people with Botox and other dermal fillers to reverse the signs of aging. You can visit his clinic for the same as well.

More About Him:

As a plastic surgeon, Dr. Stavros Economou has been serving for years. He has mastered plastic surgery and can help people improve their facial features and body contours. Plastic surgeries work on the outside. However, they also help you transform the way you feel about yourself. They help you gain confidence. Therefore, Dr. Stavros makes sure that he conducts successful plastic surgeries all the time. If you need Botox in Cyprus, he is the best physician available for you. So, make sure to visit him and get your facial and bodily features enhanced.

Benefits of Botox:

Improved Facial Glow:

Botox is definitely famous because it helps retain the volume of your face. They help get rid of wrinkles and fine lines so easily. But apart from this, Botox benefits people in other ways as well. For instance, Botox helps you get an eye-catching facial glow. Facial glow seems to reduce with age. But Botox can help regain it as well. You can visit Dr. Stavros Economou and feel assured about this. He will help you learn about all the benefits of getting Botox. Many patients have appreciated how their skin started glowing after getting this dermal filler.

Improved Facial Expressions:

Another unexpected benefit of getting Botox Limassol is improved facial expressions. Now, you might be wondering how Botox works on your facial expressions. Well, Botox stops facial muscles from contracting by obstructing signals from nerves. When your facial muscles are in good condition, you can move them the way you want. As a result, your expressions are more visible. You can visit Dr. Stavros Economou and get Botox or any other dermal filler that fits you. Once done, you can experience the same benefit yourself, too. So, make sure to visit now.

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Understanding The Healing Process After Breast Lift

A breast lift is different for every individual and a lot of factors may affect it, such as age, health, or the procedure itself. However, it is crucial to ensure that you heal properly and that there are no complications. Check out a few tips listed below to make the recovery journey as smooth as possible.

After the procedure

Once the procedure is completed, your plastic surgeon may advise you about the medication and how you should care for it to get the best results. So, make sure to take all the medication on time. After some time, if the pain reduces, you can switch to over-the-counter medication based on the advice of your plastic surgeon.


Your body will start the breast reduction surgery healing process. But you must not do all your daily activities for around 2 to 3 weeks. At this time, the surgeon may ask you to not drive or do other types of such activities. All strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 6 weeks. Avoid picking up your children or pets as well.


After the breast lift, you should not rely on ice for your swelling. When you use ice, it may decrease blood flow to the incisions. This can also cause frostbite on the skin. If there is inflammation, you can rely on a cold compress. But do not use it for more than 20 minutes at once and take a break between every use.

Take rest

You should try to take a rest and not move a lot during the first week. You should stay in a reclining position. You can just sit on a couch or a bed in this position. But make sure to have a few short walks in between.These walks can be just around your home.


You should not sleep on your stomach as this can cause issues. Make sure to sleep with your upper body elevated as this will be helpful for blood circulation. Your pain and swelling will also reduce with time if you remember to sleep in this way every single day. Your surgeon will advise you when to stop sleeping like this.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is one of the leading plastic surgeons who can guide you with procedures like breast lift, breast augmentation, dermal fillers, and more. He has helped several people in the past too. So, if you are confused about whether you should go for plastic surgery or not, you can get a consultation to figure out your options.

To get plastic surgery, visit

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4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Go for Chin Augmentation

Do you ever feel like something is missing when you look in the mirror? If you look at the balance and structure of the face, the chin is a super important feature that adds balance to it. People who have a small chin often feel self-conscious about it. But going for a procedure like chin augmentation surgery can help improve the shape of your chin. It can make your face look more balanced, and eventually make you feel better about yourself.

Here are some compelling reasons why you should go for this procedure:

Fixing Uneven and Out-of-Performance Face

Facial features have a big effect on how we as humans see beauty. The chin is a facial part that acts as a great enhancer for the face. Chin augmentation surgery can correct facial disproportion by making the chin region thicker and longer. A surgeon can help you get a more structured appearance by bringing your chin into line with your cheekbones and jawline.

Fixing Chin Weakness and Chin Receding Problems

Many people nowadays are just frustrated by chin weakness or a shrinking chin. Although the person is a healthy weight, this situation can make the neck look bigger or give the impression of a double chin. These things are easily resolved by a chin augmentation surgery that creates a more defined jawline and elevates the chin’s projection. A larger chin can give the impression of a more polished and sculpted face.

Increasing Facial Definition

A well-defined chin is a symbol of attractiveness. However, not everyone is naturally good-looking. The augmentation surgery can add definition to your face. It can also help you define your chin if you are overweight. This surgery also works well with many physical conditions that lead to restructuring of the face.

Restoring a Youthful Appearance and Addressing Aging

Getting older comes with a change in facial structure too. When this happens, the chin and jaws may lose their shape, making you look old. A plastic surgeon Limassol can undo these aging effects. With rejuvenating face outlines, you can go back in time and look younger and more refreshed.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is a known and trusted Cyprus surgeon who is an expert in chin augmentation, liposuction surgery, and a variety of aesthetic procedures. He has extensive expertise and a commitment to patient satisfaction. Dr. Economou is offering personalized treatments to enhance facial structure and redefine facial shape, with all-natural results!

Learn more about plastic surgeries at

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Is Botox the Right Solution for You?

Appearance is often associated with an individual’s confidence. And the belief is true to great extents. People feel the best when they are satisfied with their appearance. However, several problems seem to arise with time. For instance, with age, when wrinkles and fine lines start to appear on your face, you start feeling a bit disappointed with yourself. Now, this may not be the case with everyone. But some people might not feel comfortable with this. For this, they visit the best plastic surgeon Cyprus and get dermal fillers like Botox.

Facial Skin Issues with Age:

As you age you might see wrinkles and fine lines on your face. They start appearing around your eyes and the corner of your lips at first. The reason behind these wrinkles and fine lines is a reduction in collagen and last in levels. The two are responsible for holding your facial muscles and skin in place. However, with age, the reduction in these can cause these facial skin issues.


Botox is a dermal filler often used in reversing the signs of aging, i.e., fine lines and wrinkles. Botox blocks signals from nerves. These signals often order muscles to contract. But due to Botox, they get hampered. Since the signals are blocked, you can look younger just like you did before. Botox Cyprus is quite popular these days. If you are eager to get rid of these aging signs as well, meet a plastic surgeon for this treatment soon.

Is it the right solution for you?

Several factors need to be evaluated to find out whether you are fit to get Botox or not. Usually, there are no such issues ever observed before getting Botox. But being a bit cautious will always be better than being reckless. Before you plan to get Botox, meet a plastic surgeon. The surgeon will have a session with you, an examination, and a consultation. After this session only he can conclude whether you should get Botox, or not. For instance, if your signs are not too severe, you can go with an alternate treatment.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is famous for his successful plastic surgery Cyprus. He can help people with several treatments related to their appearance. Even if you need consultation and procedure including Botox, you can trust Dr. Economou. He will always suggest what is right for you and your body.

Check out more at

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How Will Your Facelift Recovery Journey Look Like?

Today, more and more patients are going for facelift Cyprus surgery as it can help with the signs of aging and sun damage as well. This can truly help improve the appearance of the face and neck as well. So, if you are struggling with the signs of aging, a facelift can help bring a change. But what happens after the procedure is done? Let’s learn about the facelift recovery process.

When will you return home after the facelift?

You do not need to be hospitalized when you go for a facelift. You can easily recover at home with someone to take care of you. You may want to stay for one or two days. But it is completely optional. You require a friend or a family member to take care of you for the first two days. The bandage will be removed the next day after the facelift. Post that, you can do your daily activities without any issues.

Will there be any kind of discomfort?

You need to take some precautions after a facelift or facial surgery Cyprus. There may be some mild discomfort for a few days. Just take some rest the next day and return to your normal activities after this. Make sure that there is a calming environment around you as you may feel some tiredness for the first two days. There can be some swelling or bruising. But it is completely normal.

How can one sleep after a facelift?

After the facelift, you may have to change the way you sleep. You will have to sleep on your back and keep your head elevated for around four weeks. This will ensure that there is no more bruising or swelling and you heal with time. If you are not comfortable sleeping on your back, it may require some practice.Just use a few pillows to make sure that your head stays elevated all night.

When should one get back to work?

Everyone has a different recovery journey. So, for most patients, it is feasible to get back to their everyday routines after around ten days. But you should avoid over-exerting yourself even when you return to work.

About Dr. Stavros Economou:

Dr. Stavros Economou is one of the most trusted names in this industry for facelifts or other types of cosmetic surgery Cyprus. He is a highly skilled professional who can listen to your needs and cater to them using the latest techniques. So, you can completely trust his clinic.

To get facelift surgery, visit

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Dr. Stavros Economou: Why He’s The Right Choice For Plastic Surgery!

If you are looking to restore lost fullness to your face, lips, or hands and have sagging skin, then Botox and fillers in Cyprus are the best options available to you. Dr. Stavros Economou is one of the top plastic surgeons in the world and can provide you with exceptional service. He is an expert in these treatments, as well as other plastic surgery procedures. He has years of experience in plastic surgery and is highly respected in the field. He offers a wide range of treatments for both men and women, including anti-wrinkle treatments, 8-point facelifts, facial rejuvenation, skin cancer plastic surgery, and more. He uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure a successful outcome for his patients. Other than that Dr. Stavros Economou also offers:


Dr. Stavros Economou offers Botox, an injectable treatment used to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It works by blocking the nerve signals to the muscles that cause wrinkles, which helps to relax them and smooth out your skin. It can be used on both men and women and results typically last three to four months.


Dr. Stavros Economou also offers fillers, an injectable treatment that is used to add volume and fullness to the face. Fillers can be used to improve the appearance of hollow cheeks, creases in the face, lines around the mouth, and thin lips. They are made from a variety of materials, including hyaluronic acid, collagen, and calcium hydroxylapatite. Fillers typically last six to nine months, and results can be seen almost immediately.

Experienced surgeon

When it comes to Botox and fillers, Dr. Stavros Economou is the most experienced plastic surgeon Cyprus. He ensures that his patients get the best possible results with minimal discomfort or downtime. He also takes into consideration a patient’s individual needs so that he can provide them with customized treatments that will give them the most natural-looking results possible.


If you’re looking for a plastic surgery Cyprus to restore lost fullness to your face, lips, or hands with Botox or fillers, then Dr. Stavros Economou is a great choice. He has extensive experience in these treatments and is committed to providing exceptional service and results for all of his patients. Contact him today to discuss your options and find out how he can help.

For more details, visit

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How Dr. Stavros Economou Is Transforming Lives With His Expertise

Are you looking for the best plastic surgeon who has the right skills and can guide you in the best way possible? For this, you can trust Dr. Stavros Economou because he is a certified plastic surgeon who has been working in this industry for a long time. He is known for his dedication to detail, personalized care, and natural-looking results. Let’s find out more about why he is the best non surgical face lift choice.

State-of-the-art facilities

When you visit Dr. Stavros Economou, you will be stunned by the state-of-the-art facilities provided by him. They have cutting-edge medical technology and infrastructure. So, you will always experience a luxurious and exclusive environment. If you are looking for the best quality health care, then Dr. Stavros Economou would be the perfect option for you. All the staff members working with him ensure to first understand the unique needs of every patient so that they get a comfortable and safe experience.

Patient testimonials

Dr. Stavros Economou has always been committed to personalized care and natural-looking dermal fillers results. You can also notice this when you go through the testimonials of those who have worked with him. Several patients believe that he is one of the best surgeons in Limassol. When you check out the testimonials, you will understand the impact that Dr. Stavros Economou has left on people’s lives. So, he can truly be a perfect partner when you are planning on going for any kind of plastic surgery.

Consultation process

When you are planning on going for any kind of cosmetic procedure, the consultation process with Dr. Stavros Economou will always play an important role. When you meet him initially, you will get the opportunity to discuss all your personal needs and goals. Dr. Stavros Economou will work with complete commitment and will ensure to craft a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. He is known for always providing top-notch solutions to his patients. So, when you are on this journey of improving your appearance, you can surely trust a professional like Dr. Stavros Economou because he always has a patient-centric approach.

So, if you are looking for a surgeon who can provide the best solutions and can also make the entire plastic surgery process hassle-free and convenient for you, get in touch with Dr. Stavros Economou right away. He can help you with utmost care and precision.

To go for a facelift, visit

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